Do you drink enough water, knowing how important it is? The proper hydration must extend beyond summer only. Strive for eight glasses of water daily and consider external factors such as exercise, climate, and sodium intake, as they all influence your hydration needs.
It is tempting to sip a sugary soda, but such drinks leave one dehydrated. Do not only focus on how much you drink but what you drink. Forgive your body for those sugary drinks, and replace them with plain water instead.
You Aren’t Doing Yourself Any Good By Skipping Meals

At one time, we have all been guilty of missing a meal, particularly if we feel rushed. However, you might not be aware that this harmless habit could be the highway for prediabetes. It interferes with insulin resistance and metabolic process.
Rather than skipping from breakfast right through to dinner without anything else, try to eat smaller meals at different times during the day. This will boost your metabolism and help you avoid those cookies at midnight.
Stop Using Hydrogen Peroxide For Wound Care

How many of you have used hydrogen peroxide to clean a cut? Yes, we all know what it feels like. However, can it actually impede healing and cause irritation to the skin?
Rinse that cut underwater for about 3-5 minutes without skipping the hydrogen peroxide. It will get rid of debris and bacteria. Now, that’s a win-win.
Watch Out for Added Sugars

You reach out to the yogurt, thinking it is a healthy choice. But do you know how much sugar is in them? Some probiotic yogurt, for example, comes with added sugars that can counteract all the benefits.
Therefore, the next time you think you are giving your body a favor by eating something “healthy,” check the label again. If sugar is one of the first few ingredients, put it back on the shelf.
Organic Doesn’t Always Mean Healthy

Organic candy? Organic mac and cheese? Yes, they exist, but they don’t have to fool you—even if it is organic, it’s not necessarily healthy. These processed organic foods can be just as unhealthy as their non-organic counterparts.
Note that “organic” is not interchangeable with “healthy.” Ensure you always check the nutritional information before making “healthy” claims about your organic snacks.
Mind and Body Connection

Have you heard of the mind-body connection in life, and do you know where it is? At times, our mental health may affect our physical health. For instance, serotonin is found in your brain and gut.
Additionally, bettering your mental health can enhance your physical health. Therefore, the next time you have stomach problems, consider your mental health as well.
Vaping Is Not Healthier Than Smoking

Don’t be fooled by those candy-like flavors. Vaping can give rise to dangerous substances like formaldehyde, which cause cancer. Some of these flavorings can even yield chemicals that cause lung tissue damage.
Therefore, the next time you think you are choosing a “safer” option by vaping instead of smoking, you should reconsider. They are asking you to stop smoking.
Take a Stand, Literally

You may sit for hours reading desk jobs and having a Netflix binge. This also ruins your posture and is a cause of heart disease.
Now and then, get up and move for a short while, even if it is just a lunchtime walk or a simple stretch. It is surprising, but standing up a few times more can have a huge impact.
Your Water Bottle is The Germ Factory

Let us discuss reusable water bottles. You may think it’s clean, but they (microorganisms) love to hang around in those microscopic particles. It becomes a site for breeding bacteria when it stays dirty for several days.
Also, be sure to clean your bottle each time. It is a simple step that can prevent you from falling sick.
Sunscreen is Not Only For The Beach

Have you ever thought sunscreen is only for those hot summer days at the beach? Think again! The sun never rests in the winter, nor should your sun protection routine.
UV radiation ages your skin faster and increases your chances of getting skin cancer. Therefore, slap on that SPF daily, and your skin will thank you for life.