Every one of us is a shopping addict. We purchase items physically or by clicking on the ‘add to cart’ button online, making our lives more comfortable or fun. So, how could meal prep be complete without the unsung hero, Tupperware? It is where we keep our casseroles, the spare fries, chicken, and the spaghetti from last week. However, wait a moment—those easy-to-use plastic containers have got more than the chicken noodle soup spilling out. Some chemicals from the plastic could penetrate your food, especially if you are heating it. A better option is glass or bamboo containers.
Another must-have item for the kitchen (or bathroom) is antibacterial soap. According to what we assume, it’s winning germs and making us healthy. But hold your lather! Some of these soaps have compounds that cause skin irritation in the long run, resulting in eczema and dermatitis.
Adding Spice To Your Life

Hot sauce: a magic potion that transforms scrambled eggs into a great cuisine. However, before taking your next taco with hot sauce, consider this — overusing hot sauce can irritate your stomach lining and cause reflux. Moreover, some brands are just loaded with bombs that will skyrocket your blood pressure.
Talking next is the fur babies. For you would like both Fido and Whiskers to have no fleas, but do you know that some flea treatments may not be safe? Yes, those chemicals that kill the fleas could harm your dog or cat.
Hidden Dangers in the Household

Dryer sheets turn your clothes into a meadow and your skin into a cloud. However, are they turning your laundry room into a safety issue? Fragrance may contain chemicals that will lead to allergies or asthma attacks. Probably, the sniffles or wheezing from your laundry smelling like a field of lavender isn’t worth it.
In addition, we should talk about laundry pods. So convenient, just put one in and forget about measuring detergent. However, they are attractive to little kids and seem like sweets. They can also pose a great deal of harm if ingested. Therefore, ensure they are out of their reach or use liquid/ powder detergent.
Baby Care Products with Adult Supervision Demand

Although some children’s bubble bath products may profess to be gentle and natural, you may need to look at the labels. Others are called ‘natural,’ containing up to 1% natural ingredients. Beware of additives such as SLS and perfumes, as they irritate your child’s skin easily.
Moving onto mood setters—candles. They make your place smell like heaven and feel cozy, but they are not all sugar and allspice. Some even emit the likes of chemicals that you don’t want to have floating in your air. It can also give off unpleasant odors from the smoky wick.
Use Of Plastic Wrap

You can use plastic wrap to store fresh leftovers or steam the veggies. However, do not wrap that lasagna before you know some can release highly toxic chemicals, especially when heated. Use wrapping with plenty of space between food, or go for safer versions called beeswax wraps.
Also, a toothbrush that cleans like a dentist may be too abrasive. Literally. Incorrect or overuse may result in dentin abrasion irritating tissues and is not a substitute for your dental visit.
Wrong Foods For Breakfast

Does anybody hate a cereal crunch or a bowl of colorful loops for breakfast? However, most of these sugary treats are laden with artificial colors, preservatives, and a lot of sugar, giving you an instant mid-morning crash.
Coffee pods are convenient, but single-use plastics are an environmental disaster. Additionally, the hot can lead to the plastic leaching chemicals into your morning cup of coffee. Instead, one could switch to a French press or go for the good old drip coffee maker.
The Office Supplies That Should Have No Place in Any Meeting

Permanent markers have become the most popular in offices and schools, but they emit gases that might result in lung issues after a while. If you are using them, please ensure it is in a well-ventilated area and consider water-based options.
In addition, whiteboard cleaners have chemicals like isopropanol that can affect the eyes and respiratory system. Instead of using chemicals, prefer natural alternatives or just a wet rag for small clean-ups.
Skin-deep Cosmetics and Beauty Products

Nail polish makes your fingers and toes look like a million bucks, but regular brands have hazardous chemicals like formaldehyde. Look for polishes that are devoid of the above-mentioned toxic ingredients.
For most people, deodorant is a daily necessity, yet many such products are made up of aluminum compounds that some studies claim might be responsible for causing breast cancer. Even though there isn’t a conclusive evidence, choosing aluminum-free options may be safer.
The Not-So Healthy “Health” Foods

Some protein bars claim to be a healthy snack, but they can be full of sugar and artificial stuff. Always check the nutritional information and go for bars with natural ingredients.
Most low-fat yogurts replace the fat with lots of sugar or artificial sweeteners. On the other hand, if you are looking for yogurt, go for the whole-fat, unsweetened, and add your own fresh fruits for flavor.
Use of Reusable shopping bags

The bags are also an environmentally friendly option to plastic, but they become bacteria breeding if not washed. However, you should not forget to throw them into the laundry occasionally.
And lastly, smartphone screens. Indeed, you don’t actually consume them, but the bacteria present on your average phone’s screen make you think about how often you should clean it.