Experts Continue to Weigh in on President Biden’s Health

By: Lauren Fokas | Published: Jul 25, 2024

US President Joe Biden wants another four years in the Oval Office, but many are worried that the 81-year-old isn’t just too old to run again. He may actually be too sick.

After watching the president’s concerning performance at the debate in June 2024, several medical experts have weighed in on Biden’s physical and mental health. But one doctor says he has already diagnosed the president, and he believes he is suffering from a rapidly degenerating disease.

President Biden Is Clearly Losing His Physical Strength

Over the past several months, the president has had several very public displays of physical issues. At one point, he needed help maneuvering steps, was caught falling up stairs, and even tripped over his own feet.

A photograph of President Joe Biden falling on the stair leading to his plane

Source: @SkyNews/YouTube

Of course, some of these accidents could have happened to anyone, especially someone over the age of 80. But the physical mishaps, coupled with the president’s lack of mental wellness, is certainly cause for concern.

President Biden’s Struggles During the Debate

The presidential debate on June 27, 2024, spotlighted the president’s inability to answer simple questions. He repeatedly trailed off during his answers, was clearly confused, and generally unfocused on arguably one of the biggest nights of his life.

Side-by-side photographs of Donald Trump and Joe Biden during the presidential debate in 2024

Source: @PBS NewsHour/YouTube

Millions of Americans and people from around the world turned off the debate, extremely worried that the Democratic leader was in no state to be running the nation for the next few months, let alone for another four years.

Dr. Tom Pitts Claims He Has Already Diagnosed President Biden

While many have speculated that the president is unwell or at least showing signs that he has reached old age, one doctor from New York claims he knows exactly what is wrong with President Biden.

A still of Dr. Tom Pitts giving an interview regarding the health of President Biden

Source: @gatewaypundit/X

Dr. Tom Pitts, a specialist in degenerative brain conditions, has said the president “definitely” has Parkinson’s. In fact, the symptoms are so clear, Dr. Pitts said he could have “diagnose[d] him from across the mall.”

What Is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative brain condition that affects the nervous system and causes problems with movement, mental health, pain, and sleep.

Wooden blocks spelling out Parkinson’s Disease and hands showing the symptoms of the condition

Source: Alamy

There is currently no cure for the disorder, but medical researchers have designed medicines that can reduce or prolong the onset of the various symptoms. However, Parkinson’s is certainly a powerful disease, and it most often leaves patients physically and mentally disabled and in need of full-time care.

Michael J. Fox Famously Lives With Parkinson’s

Beloved actor Michael J. Fox famously lives with Parkinson’s disease. Although the disease often affects the elderly, Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s when he was only 29 years old. At that time, his doctor noticed the smallest possible symptom: his pinky twitching uncontrollably.

A photograph of Michael J. Fox during an interview

Source: @Entertainment Tonight/YouTube

Over the past 30 years, his symptoms have certainly progressed. Still, because Fox was so young when he was diagnosed, he has been able to continue living his life with the condition far longer than those who develop Parkinson’s later in life.


Dr. Pitts Says He Sees the President’s Symptoms “20 Times a Day”

Sadly, Parkinson’s is common throughout the US and the world. The Parkinson’s Foundation reports that more than half a million Americans are currently living with the condition, and they estimate that number will climb to 1.2 million by 2030.

A doctor with a clipboard analyzing a patient's symptoms

Source: Freepik

Therefore, doctors like Dr. Pitts, who specializes in Parkinson’s and other degenerative brain conditions, sees patients at all stages of the disease on a daily basis. In fact, Dr. Pitts reported that he sees Parkinson’s patients “20 times a day,” and all of them have the exact symptoms of the president.


The White House Claims President Biden Has a Clean Bill of Health

Because everyone wants to know exactly what’s going on with President Biden’s health, the White House has spoken out on the issue. They claim they have run all the necessary tests, and the president is in tip-top shape.

The White House in Washington, DC, USA

Source: Wikipedia

In an official letter, the White House wrote President Biden “demonstrates excellent fine motor dexterity” and has no “tremors” or “motor weakness.” And that his “extremely detailed neurological exam was again reassuring.”


Dr. Pitts Wants to See the President’s MRI

However, Dr. Pitts is convinced otherwise. Even though he hasn’t personally examined the president, Dr. Pitts said, “His motor symptoms are degenerating. He has Parkinson’s. That is a fact. He has degeneration of the brain.”

A faceless doctor is examining a sheet of brain scans

Source: Freepik

Dr. Pitts even called out the White House for containing the president’s evaluations, saying, “Show me the MRI. Show me he doesn’t. Put your money where your mouth is. He definitely has it.”


Meanwhile, Trump Appears Stronger Than Ever

While the world debates whether President Biden is fit to run for a second term, his archrival, Donald Trump, appears stronger than ever.

A photograph of Donald Trump being rushed off the stage after being shot in the ear in Pennsylvania

Source: @Firstpost/YouTube

After he was shot in the ear during an assassination attempt on July 13, the former president and candidate for 2024 stood up and thrust his fist into the air, showing his supporters his resilience and strength.


Choosing the Best Man for the Job Has Never Been More Difficult

The presidential election is right around the corner and is certainly one of the most controversial in the nation’s history. The country is wildly divided between the two candidates, though most say they must vote for the lesser of two evils.

A photograph of Joe Biden alongside Donald Trump in front of the White House and the American flag

Source: @Global News/YouTube

Many argue that neither candidate is the right man for the job; they will vote for Biden because they don’t agree with Trump’s beliefs or vote for Trump because they don’t think Biden is fit to be president. But now that Biden has dropped out of the race, only time will tell who will be up against Trump. 


There’s Still Time for a New Democratic Nominee

It’s important to understand that while it has clearly seemed as though Biden was the Democratic nominee for the election, technically, that decision won’t be made until the Democratic National Convention on August 19, 2024.

US President Joe Biden scratches his head and looks confused while giving a speech

Source: @Sky News Australia/YouTube

Biden has surprised us all by stepping down from running for another term. And, according to Dr. Pitts and millions of others, that is exactly what should have happened. But whether he will finish out his current term is anyone’s guess. 
