I’m A New Racist’: Michigan Judge Loses Docket After Audio Recordings Surface

By: May Man Published: Sep 11, 2024

A Michigan judge, Kathleen Ryan, has been removed from her courtroom responsibilities after being implicated in a scandal involving alleged racist and homophobic remarks. The allegations stem from a series of audio recordings in which she is purportedly heard making derogatory comments.

The recordings have sparked widespread concern and led to a formal complaint being filed with the Judicial Tenure Commission. This move follows her long-standing position as Chief Probate Pro Tem Judge in Oakland County.

Complaint Initiated Following Audio Release

The official complaint against Judge Ryan was prompted by audio recordings released by Oakland County Probate Court Administrator, Edward Hutton. These recordings allegedly capture years of inappropriate comments made during private conversations.

Voice recording device

Source: Freepik

According to the information revealed, Ryan’s comments were made both during work hours and in her personal time, but they consistently exhibited a troubling pattern of unprofessional behavior.

Racist Remarks Highlighted in Recordings

One of the most shocking recordings obtained by ABC 7 reveals Judge Ryan allegedly making racist remarks. In the audio, she purportedly said, “From England, if you’re Black from any other country – you’re doing way better. If you’re an American Black person then you’re a f****** lazy piece of s***.”

A wooden judge’s gavel alongside an American flag

Source: Freepik

This statement underscores the severity of the allegations, as it implies a deep-seated bias against African Americans, particularly those born in the United States.

Judge Admits to Being "Newly Racist

In another recording, Ryan allegedly made a troubling declaration regarding her own views on race. She stated, “I can honestly say that, ok, I’m not systemically racist – I’m a new racist. I never was. But now I am because you’re shoving this s*** down my throat, making allegations that you don’t know s*** about.”

A close-up black and white photograph of a judge’s gavel

Source: Freepik

These words, if proven authentic, suggest that Ryan believes her biases have evolved in response to external pressure and criticism, further intensifying the controversy surrounding her conduct.

Homophobic Slurs and Targeting Officials

In addition to the racist comments, Ryan is also accused of making homophobic slurs, specifically targeting other elected officials.

Michigan judge, Kathleen Ryan

Source: Threads

One particularly egregious instance includes her use of the slur, “You little f*****,” in reference to a colleague. Such language adds to the gravity of the accusations and paints a broader picture of discriminatory behavior within her professional environment.

Inappropriate Conversations About Sexual Encounters

Hutton, who released the recordings, also revealed that Ryan frequently discussed highly inappropriate topics, including detailed accounts of her personal sexual encounters.

wooden gavel against grey background

Source: Jcomp, Freepik

He expressed concern over the unprofessional nature of these conversations, which he said were shared in intimate detail. This behavior further called into question her fitness to serve as a judge.


Administrator's Fear of Retaliation

Edward Hutton, the administrator responsible for releasing the recordings, admitted that he had harbored fears about speaking out against Ryan for years.

A wooden judge's gavel rests on a polished wooden table

Source: Sora Shimazaki/Pexels

“I didn’t want to lose my job and I didn’t want to be in her crosshairs,” he confessed. His concerns reflect a broader fear of retaliation from powerful individuals in the legal system, creating an imbalance in accountability.


Hutton Records Calls Out of Desperation

After enduring years of inappropriate comments, Hutton decided to start recording his conversations with Ryan. He believed that this was the only way to document her behavior and felt that without evidence, the situation would never change.

Laptop and phone on stand

Source: Freepik

“I felt like it wasn’t going to change,” Hutton said, explaining his rationale for creating the recordings.


Administrator Willing to Testify

Hutton emphasized the authenticity of the recordings, stating that he is fully prepared to testify to their legitimacy. “Nothing’s manipulated, and it’s conversations that I was a part of,” he stated, adding that he is ready to testify under oath about the content of the recordings.

An inside look at the interior of a courtroom where the judge sits.

Source: Zachary Caraway/Pexels

His willingness to testify reflects the seriousness with which he views the situation and the importance of holding those in power accountable.


Recordings Sent to Top Officials

On August 22, Hutton sent the incriminating recordings to the Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, as well as to Oakland County Executive David Coulter and other public officials.

A close-up photograph of a brown wooden judge’s gavel

Source: Freepik

The swift action that followed culminated in Ryan being removed from her docket on August 27. This rapid response reflects the severity of the allegations and the importance of addressing them promptly.


Public Officials Denounce Judge's Conduct

Oakland County Executive David Coulter expressed his dismay at the judge’s alleged behavior in a formal statement. “There is absolutely no place for harassment of any kind or for racist or homophobic language by anyone at Oakland County,” Coulter stated.

A judge's gavel rests on its sounding block on a wooden surface, with a person in the background


He emphasized the need for fairness and impartiality in public office and expressed confidence in the agencies reviewing the matter to take the necessary steps.


Pending Investigation and Possible Future Actions

Ryan’s removal from the docket is currently a temporary measure, pending further investigation by relevant authorities. Coulter underscored the seriousness of the allegations, stating that additional actions may be warranted depending on the outcome of the investigation. The swift response from the authorities reflects their commitment to maintaining the integrity of the judicial system.

A statue of lady justice holding the scales of justice while wearing a blindfold.

Source: ingey injury law firm/Unsplash

In response to the allegations, Ryan’s attorneys, Gerald Gleeson and Thomas Cranmer, have expressed their respect for the Michigan Supreme Court’s decision to remove her temporarily. However, they remain confident that Ryan will be vindicated in the appropriate legal forum. They are preparing to challenge the allegations and defend Ryan’s reputation in court.
