Kimchi is a popular Korean dish made by fermenting chilis and cabbage. And while the taste is unique and extremely delicious, it’s also good for the belly in more ways than one.
Research has now shown that kimchi is great for a healthy gut, as well as minimizing belly fat. So, for those who want to get rid of a little extra around the midsection or simply want to ensure their digestion is working properly, kimchi may just do the trick.
What Is Kimchi?

Before diving into the health benefits, it’s first important to know what kimchi is. The spicy cabbage dish is extremely popular in Korean homes and restaurants, and it’s becoming more common in the Western world.
Essentially, kimchi is a fermented salad made from cabbage, chilies, ginger, garlic, and sometimes carrots, spring onion, or soy sauce.
Kimchi Is Part of the Daily Diet in Korea

In Korea, kimchi is consumed almost every day for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or sometimes all three. And for residents of Korea, kimchi is really more than a meal; it’s a tradition.
Making kimchi is typically a communal affair. Women from all around come together to prepare the cabbage, grind the chilies, and make enough kimchi for their families and even those in need in their communities.
Kimchi Has Many Health Benefits

While Koreans love kimchi for its cultural significance and spicy flavor, they also know that the cabbage dish is extremely good for the body as a whole.
According to WebMD, kimchi is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as potassium, calcium, and choline. All of which the body needs to thrive.
Kimchi Will Certainly Protect the Heart

Additionally, kimchi is known as a heart-healthy food, as it not only protects but even improves heart health over time.
Kimchi is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, which can reduce cholesterol and the risk of atherosclerosis and other heart diseases.
The Fermentation Process

As well as being great for heart health and chock full of necessary vitamins and minerals, kimchi is also a probiotic, which means it is a great source of healthy gut bacteria.
The healthy bacteria grow within the cabbage salad as kimchi is always fermented in a salt brine for days or even weeks before being consumed.
Kimchi Is a Powerful Probiotic

This good bacteria is known more commonly as a probiotic, and doctors report that it is extremely helpful in maintaining healthy digestion.
A healthy digestion not only feels great, but it also minimizes the chances of contracting a gastrointestinal disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome or colon inflammation. Not to mention the fact that a properly functioning digestion can lead to weight loss.
Many Struggle to Lose Weight from Their Midsection

Men and women around the world often struggle to lose weight from their midsection. And while it’s not the same for everyone, some stubborn belly fat could be eliminated by improving one’s gut health.
And in addition to improving gut health and decreasing inflammation in the belly, kimchi is also known to boost metabolism, is extremely low in fat, and is high in fiber.
It’s Not Only About Having a Flat Stomach

It’s important to understand that while many simply strive to have a flatter stomach, minimizing belly fat is actually extremely important in keeping your body happy and healthy.
Excessive belly fat has been connected to type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and hypertension. So, even for those who aren’t worried about showing off a flat stomach at the beach, it’s still important to keep belly fat to a minimum to keep the rest of the body functioning properly.
Will Kimchi Really Get Rid of Belly Fat?

Kimchi really is a superfood. It’s full of nutrients the body needs, as well as healthy gut bacteria that will keep your digestion working as it should.
Therefore, when added to a healthy and balanced diet, it can help increase your metabolism, improve digestion, and eventually, yes, lead to a smaller midsection.
Making Your Own Kimchi Is Easy

Like millions of women in Korea, you can also make your own homemade kimchi. The recipe and preparation process is quite simple; however, it’s crucial that you follow the directions exactly.
Because kimchi is fermented, if it’s not composed properly, the bacteria that grow will not be the good kind. Instead, it will be unhealthy bacteria that could lead to food poisoning.
Where to Find Kimchi

If making your own kimchi sounds like a big undertaking, don’t worry. It’s now available in most grocery stores. It can typically be found in the Asian foods section or the refrigerated aisle.
Each brand will likely have a slightly different flavor depending on exactly what ingredients and how many chillies they use. So, try a few and find the best kimchi to add to your diet, improve your gut health, and get rid of some of that extra belly fat.