Scientists Achieve Breakthrough That Could Revolutionize Electric Vehicles With Just One Replacement

By: Lauren Fokas | Published: Jul 27, 2024

It’s become glaringly obvious that humans are directly causing climate change and if changes aren’t made in the very near future, the world as we know it could be gone in just a few generations.

In response to this reality, new renewable and sustainable energy options have been designed and built, including solar panels, wind turbines, and fully electric vehicles (EVs). However, people have complaints about these environmentally friendly options, especially EVs. But now, scientists say that with one simple change, they can solve every one of those complaints.

The Pros of EVs

Electric vehicles undoubtedly offer several benefits: drivers don’t have to spend money on gas, they require less maintenance, and many say they even perform better than gas-powered cars.

A photograph of factories and vehicle traffic producing pollution

Source: Freepik

But realistically, the most exciting feature of EVs is that they will help save the planet from climate change. EVs are completely sustainable because they don’t release greenhouse gases into the air. If the more than 1.47 billion cars on the Earth were transitioned from gas to electric, it could make a drastic difference.

The Cons of EVs

However, there are definitely downsides to EVs. Some argue that EVs are actually much more expensive than their gas-powered counterparts. While they technically require less maintenance, any work that does need to be done is exceptionally costly.

One hand takes cash from another set of hands

Source: Freepik

Additionally, many people complain EVs aren’t practical because there aren’t enough charging stations, they take too long to charge, and actually aren’t as environmentally friendly as they were told.

There Aren’t Nearly Enough EV Charging Stations

One of the most prominent complaints about EVs is their practicality, or lack thereof. Currently, there are only 188,600 EV charging pumps across the entire United States. However, experts argue that for the US to fully transition to EVs, there will need to be a whopping 28 million charging ports.

An EV charging at a public charging port

Source: Freepik

Also, many EV drivers have complained about the time it takes to charge their cars. While some can fully charge in 30 minutes, others take hours, so for those who don’t have a charging port at home, that means spending hours waiting at a public station.

EVs Aren’t as Environmentally Friendly as We Thought

As well as being expensive to upkeep, the lack of charging ports, and the time it takes to charge, one of the other major concerns with EVs is that they are not nearly as good for the environment as we were told.

A photograph of a giant lithium mine showing a truck driving up the road

Source: iStock

While the lack of greenhouse gas emissions is certainly a positive, it takes an excessive amount of lithium to build the batteries. And many reports state that lithium mining has severe environmental impacts.

Scientists Found a Way to Solve All EV Problems

The vast majority of people understand that EVs could help save the planet from its imminent destruction, but it’s challenging to convince billions of people to transition to a car with so many downsides.

A digital illustration of robots building EV batteries

Source: iStock

So, with these problems in mind, scientists around the world have been working to improve the construction of EVs. One group of researchers believe they’ve found the answer: Iron.


An Iron EV Battery Is Simple and Effective

Several scientists, including Oregon State University chemistry professor, Xiulei “David” Ji, have been working on the idea of replacing part of the EV battery with iron for years. And in May 2024, the team finally released their findings.

A photograph of one of the new iron EV batteries

Source: Reddit

They successfully built an iron cathode, or the part of the battery where reduction occurs, that will literally change EVs forever.


Benefits of Iron EV Batteries

There are several upsides to the new iron cathodes for manufacturers, drivers, and the planet. First, they have been designed to fit seamlessly into the existing EV designs, so manufacturers don’t have to make any changes except fitting their batteries with iron cathodes instead of the existing lithium ones.

A close-up photograph of a piece of iron on a palm

Source: Wikipedia

Iron cathodes will also minimize the amount of time an EV needs to charge, which will allow for less charging ports and decreased wait times, making the vehicles more practical. Plus, because iron is cheaper than lithium, the cost of EVs and replacement batteries could significantly decrease.


Iron Is the Fourth Most Plentiful Material on the Planet

Finally, as iron mining is far more environmentally friendly than lithium mining, this solution actually makes EVs more sustainable.

A view of the inside of a partially flooded adit of the Sharkham Point Iron Mine near the town of Brixham, Devon

Source: Wikipedia

Iron is the fourth most common element on Earth, and as Professor Ji explained, “We will not run out of iron till the sun turns into a red giant.”


Transitioning to EVs Could Reduce Carbon Emissions by More Than 28%

Many experts believe these iron cathodes could enable billions of people around the world to feel infinitely more confident transitioning to an EV from a gas-powered car.

A photograph of several electric cars driving on a highway with graphics showing their battery life

Source: Shutterstock

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that transportation accounts for 28% of the US’ greenhouse gas emissions; so by phasing out gas or diesel-powered vehicles in favor of EVs, Americans could play a big role in the fight against climate change.


The Iron Cathode Isn’t Ready Just Yet

The invention of the iron cathode is certainly big news, but it’s not quite ready for production yet. Hopefully, it will be in the next few years and EV companies all over the world will quickly adapt to the new technology.

A couple celebrates after purchasing a new car

Source: Freepik

More and more people are purchasing EVs to protect the planet from climate change, but with this new development, it’s likely that even those who haven’t made the switch due to the various downsides will be convinced.


Scientists Will Continue to Look for Innovative Ways to Save the Planet

This story is just one example of how scientists around the world are working tirelessly to improve sustainable technology to save the planet from climate change.

An engineer working on green energy development projects

Source: Freepik

Fortunately, it seems they will not stop until they have developed the most sustainable, environmentally friendly, and practical cars, wind turbines, and solar panels the world has ever seen. These scientists, as well as the people who purchase their products could literally save the world.
