For decades, scientists have been trying to harness the power of nuclear fusion to provide the world with the clean, limitless, zero-pollution energy it so desperately needs.
The project is unimaginably challenging; however, one team of researchers at the University of Wisconsin’s Physical Sciences Laboratory may have finally figured out how to create clean, reliable, and safe nuclear energy. Their breakthrough will likely change the world as we know it.
What Is Nuclear Fusion?

Many people worry about the safety of nuclear fusion, but it is actually quite safe. Nuclear fission, on the other hand, is an entirely different process that can be dangerous.
While nuclear fission is the reaction of splitting atoms in two, nuclear fusion is the reaction when two or more atoms are combined to form one subatomic particle. Simply put, the division of atoms can be risky, but combining them is much safer.
Harnessing the Power of the Sun

Nuclear fusion naturally occurs on our solar system’s main-sequence star, the sun. It actually generates its very own energy by nuclear fusion, specifically the combination of hydrogen nuclei to create helium.
For decades, the most intelligent minds on Earth have been trying to simulate the sun’s nuclear fusion and create the incredible energy it generates, but they have yet to do so.
Why Is Creating Nuclear Power so Difficult?

Humans have understood the basics of nuclear fusion since the 1930s, so why have they still been unable to replicate it after almost 100 years?
While the process is wildly complex, the basic answer to this question is that the nuclei in the atoms are all positively charged, so they naturally want to repel rather than fuse together. Therefore, scientists must use extreme temperatures and pressures to push them together, and they have yet to find a safe, reliable, and constant way to do so.
Nuclear Power Is More Important Than Ever Before

Although researchers have been interested in and dedicated to solving the nuclear power question for decades, the investigation has transitioned from interesting to necessary.
It has become painstakingly clear that the planet’s climate is changing drastically and that our power sources, specifically the manufacturing and use of fossil fuels, are causing these dangerous changes. Now, more than ever, the world needs a powerful, clean energy source.
Other Forms of Green Energy Simply Aren’t Powerful Enough to Stop Fossil Fuel Use

Of course, there are other sustainable energy sources ready for use, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and hydrogen fuel, but none of these options, even put together, are enough to fully replace fossil fuels.
Therefore, most experts agree that if we truly want to save our planet from climate change and its subsequent demise, we absolutely need to figure out how to harness nuclear fusion, and soon.
Nuclear Power: The Third Pillar in Climate Action

As billionaire entrepreneur and physicist Frank Laukien explained, “If we really want a fully renewable energy supply, we need fusion as a third pillar,” in addition to solar and wind development. He continued, “Fusion is the key to a decarbonized future.”
And since just one gram of nuclear fuel offers the same amount of power as eleven tons of coal, it’s nearly impossible to disagree with him.
The Groundbreaking Wisconsin HTS Axisymmetric Mirror

With this information in mind, it’s wildly exciting to learn that researchers at the University of Wisconsin may have finally found a safe way to produce the much-needed nuclear power.
Researchers designed, built, and have successfully operated the Wisconsin HTS Axisymmetric Mirror, which can consistently hold nuclear plasma using a record-breakingly strong magnetic field.
Scientists Created a “Magnetic Bottle”

Interestingly, the design of the Wisconsin HTS Axisymmetric Mirror was based on a nuclear fusion device from the 1980s known as the “magnetic mirror.”
However, with advanced technology, the team was able to improve upon the original design and trap the powerful plasma inside a “magnetic bottle” in which they can consistently control the extreme temperature.
This Development Could Change the World of Nuclear Fusion

As Jay Anderson, the co-founder of Realta Fusion and UW scientist, explained, “[This discovery is] setting a world record in magnetic field strength for magnetically confined plasmas and is equipped with intense heating systems while still being a hands-on experiment for both graduate and undergraduate students.”
And Realta Fusion’s CEO, Kieran Furlong, explained, “[The] demonstration puts the compact magnetic mirror firmly back in the race towards commercial fusion energy. It’s a giant leap forward for a concept that promises economically viable, zero-carbon heat and electricity.”
Dozens of Teams Worldwide Are Working to Perfect Nuclear Power

The newest development at the University of Wisconsin is undoubtedly groundbreaking, but it’s far from the only progress in the study of nuclear fusion. Another innovative design doesn’t use magnets or lasers, which are the basis for UW’s success.
Additionally, in April 2024, the United States and Japan announced their plan to partner and fund further study, design, development, and, eventually, the commercialization of nuclear power, which will likely produce exciting results in the very near future.
Nuclear Power Could Save the Earth From Climate Change

Nuclear power is arguably one of, if not the most important technological development of the century.
Some still doubt that nuclear fusion will ever be stable and safe enough to power the world. However, if these scientists can prove them wrong, nuclear power wouldn’t just change the world, it could also save it.